March 16, 2020

Things We Like: Quarantine Edition! What to do, watch, and play while you’re stuck inside.

Last week, anticipating this week's shutdown of major US cities, Matt & Adrian sat down to talk about the ways we're working through our own social distancing boredom for a special edition of "things we like".

What are some of the best movies, games, and other activities to spend doing when going outside has become difficult or even dangerous? Check out this episode to find out, and of course a list of most of what we mentioned is below.

And finally, please do take this seriously! If you're not already removing yourself from public spaces and gatherings, do so. Wash your hands, wear a mask if that's recommended & available in your locality, and be aware not just of your own health, but of how you might affect the health of those around you. And if you're bored, hit us up on Twitter at @spectology, we'll likely have an increased schedule of podcasting for a while, and might even do a few live online events if enough people want to hang out and chat about science fiction books! 

Things we like:

7 Wonders Duel (iOS / Android)

* Code Names Duet

* Tabletop Simulator

* Technology Connections Juke Box

* Shenzhen I/O 

* The Nand Game

* nand2tetris

* Armadillo Run (not ball)

* Little Women

* The Incredibles (also on Disney+)

* rifftrax

* Blank Check Patreon

* DuoLingo Podcasts

* Easy Languages youtube channels

* The History of Ancient Egypt lectures

* Assassin’s Creed Black Flag

* Minecraft

* Diablo III


As always, we'd love to hear from you! Chat with us on twitter at @spectologypod, send us an email at, or submit the episode to r/printSF on reddit. We'll reply, and shout you out in the next podcast when we talk about your comment.

And if you like the episode, subscribe at or whever you listen to podcasts, and share it with your friends!

To find links to all the books we've read, check us out on Bookshop.

Many thanks to Dubby J and Noah Bradley for doing our music and art.

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